At age 30, virtually everyone starts to lose muscle strength. In fact, if eating right and working out could hold off this natural course of aging, we would see professional athletes continuing their careers well beyond their 30’s.

One of the symptoms of declining musculoskeletal strength is a loss of balance. Because you engage your central nervous system and entire musculoskeletal system in a brief but very unique way at OsteoStrong, one of the benefits is an almost instant improvement in balance and agility. In fact, it’s one of the first things that people notice. To the right is an internal case report we conducted with over 50 members to help illustrate this great benefit. A regular protocol at OsteoStrong centers is to track balance improvements before each session.

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In 2003, the New England Journal of Medicine published an article which established that after the onset of menopause, females may lose 1.9% of their bone mass density per year.

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A compiled analysis of 29, all randomized trials found supplementation with calcium and vitamin D was able to slow bone density loss between the hip and spine over the course of a year by half of the standard amount of loss given the other variables in an individual’s life.

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A compiled analysis of 8 studies found brisk walking type exercise showed no bone density gain between the hip and spine over the course of a year.

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A compiled analysis of 18 studies found whole body vibration (WBV) showed no bone density gain between the hip and spine over the course of a year, but positive implications were seen with activation of muscle, and help with balance and proper movement.


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A compiled analysis of 62 studies found weight bearing exercise showed an average of 1% bone density gain between the hip and spine over the course of a year.

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Bisphosphonate drugs like Boniva, Actonel, and Fosamax which are the standard of care can show an average of 1.6% bone density gain between the hip and spine. Side effects include increased cancer risk for those who have risk factors. Side effects include risks of abnormal bone fractures and dissolving of the human jaw. Learn more by discussing these drugs with your physician.

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Forteo is a bone anabolic, which has shown an average of 6.15% bone density gain between the hip and spine. Side effects can potentially include increased cancer risk for those who have risk factors. As this drug is newer, much is still to be learned. This drug is only prescribed for patients at high risk of fracture, and patients have to be monitored closely for adverse effects. Learn more by discussing these drugs with your physician.

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The use of osteogenic devices has shown promising results. Though there are only 4 studies on the specific application of osteogenic loading devices, the underlying principal is one of the most fundamental of human physiology (mechanotransduction as discussed earlier) and as loads seen with osteogenic use are far beyond the minimum established trigger for building bone, the results seen are beyond that of other treatments. Bone density has been shown to improve 7.34% between the spine and hip results over one year of treatment. Further, Hunte and researchers found bone density gains of over 14% after 6 months of treatment. Further research shows statistical congruency with a larger sample (n=2300) for functional bone performance gains and BMD.

For More Information On Osteoporosis


Balance is the ability to maintain your body’s center of gravity over its base of support. This is a critical aspect of physical health and is necessary for everyday activities such as walking, running, and standing. Furthermore, good balance also reduces the risk of falls, which can lead to injuries and even hospitalization, particularly in older adults.

At age 30, virtually everyone starts to lose muscle strength, and one of the symptoms of declining musculoskeletal strength is a loss of balance. In fact, if eating right and working out could hold off this natural course of aging, we would see professional athletes continuing their careers well beyond their 30s.

At OsteoStrong’s health and wellness center at Lake Forest, we’ll help you engage your central nervous system and entire musculoskeletal system in a brief but very unique way, showing an almost instant improvement in balance and agility.

With exercises targeted at specific muscle groups, these exercises can help improve the strength in your muscles, improving your balance along the way. Stronger muscles can help you maintain your body’s center of gravity, which is essential for maintaining balance.

Your body’s flexibility is one of the most important aspects of balance, especially as you grow older. Increased flexibility allows you to move more freely and easily, reducing the risk of falls.

Having good coordination can help prevent all kinds of injuries and help you stay more effective as you age. Good coordination is essential for maintaining balance, particularly when performing complex movements such as running or jumping.

OsteoStrong can help work on your skeletal strength to improve your bone density. The more your bones become stronger, the more you can maintain your balance. It can also provide more support for the muscles and tendons that help keep you upright.

Poor posture can be one of the reasons why you have balance issues. By working on your skeletal strength, you can improve your posture, keeping your body’s center of gravity over its base of support.


Good balance is important for overall health and well-being, particularly as you age. Some of the key benefits of good balance include:

  1. Reduced risk of falls
  2. Improved mobility
  3. Better athletic performance
  4. Better quality of life

Get A Free Session Today At OsteoStrong’s Wellness Center

Working on your skeletal strength can improve your body’s overall balance, which is important for overall health and well-being. By improving bone density, muscle strength, coordination, posture, and flexibility, a skeletal strength facility can help you maintain better balance and reduce the risk of falls and injuries. 

OsteoStrong’s health and wellness center at Lake Forest has specialized equipment and training that can help you develop better proprioception, or awareness of your body’s position and movement, which is key to maintaining balance. Contact us today!

Learn More of Our Modalities

Offers a holistic approach to strengthening bones, joints, and muscles as it helps alleviate joint and back pain, providing a better quality of life.

Learn more about this revolutionary solution to bone health.

is a subtle energy revitalization platform that uses four types of transmitted energy—light, Voltage, frequencies, harmonics, and PEMFs—to stimulate and invigorate the body.

Discover more about the power of BioCharger and its benefits today.

Ease pain and inflammation, improve fitness and muscle recovery, or strengthen your immune system with red light therapy. 

Learn more about the science behind the technology and find red light therapy near me.

The OMI PEMF mat is designed to deliver the benefits of PEMF therapy in non-medical settings that help promote healthy cell growth and restore damaged tissues.

Discover more about the benefits of this cutting-edge therapy with a PEMF mat

This device uses three key techniques—pulsing, distal release, and gradients—to maximize recovery between training, after a performance, and from injury.

Learn more about how they can benefit your body and your well-being.

Water massages can relieve muscle soreness, stiffness, and tension, improve circulation and even temporarily alleviate aches and pains.

Learn more about how this unique therapy works and find a hydro massage near me.

With the natural form of vibration, Vibeplate offers a range of benefits for medical and rehabilitation purposes, aging, health and fitness, and athletic performance. 

Discover more about the science behind Vibeplate and how it can benefit you today.