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In Tony Robbins’ new book, LIFE FORCE, Tony teaches us and tells stories about new breakthroughs in precision medicine that can transform the quality of your life and those you love.

“As a result, I’ve seen continued development in my muscle strength at age 62 to the extent that I can lift and push with an intensity that outweighs what I did when I was 30. But what’s truly mind-blowing is seeing how it changes people’s lives starting with my own wife.

Sage has been blessed with incredible metabolism. She could eat almost twice as much as me and remain totally lean. She doesn’t have to exercise to stay slim, but she got addicted to our OsteoStrong machines because she was concerned about her bone density. For example, she started out at 125 pounds in a chest press and got up to 250 pounds within a year. And she didn’t get lumpy, as female bodies respond differently to the stimulation. Her muscles were supple, sleek, and strong, and she feels strong and powerful as a result. She witnessed herself improving, and she was sold.” ~Tony Robbins

Pick up your copy today on Amazon and visit OsteoStrong Lake Forest today.

National Child Abuse Prevention Month


OsteoStrong supported Kyra’s Champions during National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

APRIL 2022

Just as OsteoStrong focuses on improving your fundamental health, Kyra’s Champions is changing laws to protect children in the United States. They are working hard to pass a series of bills, including Kyra’s Law, that will prevent abusers from getting custody of children.

What can I do?
Here are the top 3 ways your involvement will help save children’s lives:
  1. Donate now.
  2. Support Kyra’s Law here.
  3. April is over, but you can still donate any time of the year!

Meet Our Clients From All Over The World Talking About How They Are Becoming Super Human!

What Is OsteoStrong?

A Unique System For Developing Your Skeletal Strength

OsteoStrong® is not a gym, diet, supplement, pharmaceutical, or a medical treatment. OsteoStrong® is a unique place where you can go to improve your overall health by focusing on the one thing we all have in common: a skeletal system.

The skeletal system is the foundation for your body and provides more than just strength and protection. It is arguably one of the most critical systems of the human body, and by implementing a strategy to care for and strengthen it, many experience the following results:

OsteoStrong® works for people at all ages and levels of activity to promote skeletal strength which impacts the entire body in many ways using a process known as Osteogenic Loading. Sessions are quick, painless, and results are measurable and happen quickly. There are a few things to know prior to coming in your first time so that you can make the best of the experience.

OsteoStrong® is a biohack that helps you strengthen the foundation of your body – the skeletal system. Unlike other health solutions, you don’t have to spend hours at a gym or exert physical energy that will leave you feeling tired by the time you’re done. Just show up as you are and we’ll handle the rest!

  • Sweat-free
  • Painless
  • Fast: less than 10 minutes
  • Will not leave you feeling fatigued
  • Will not leave you feeling sore the next day
  • Once per week
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